
CHORO-KAN is introduced in Muse#35.

CHORO-KAN is introduced in Muse#35(English)(Japansese Citizen's

 Network of Museum for Peace) at ASAP(Anzai Science and Peace

Office)HP.‐ 安斉科学平和事務所(平和のための博物館ネットワーク)

CHORO-KAN is opened on Fri, 1 Sep, 2017 and welcome !

CHORO-KAN is opened on Fri, 1 Sep, 2017. After renewal open in

Apr 2015, two and a half years passed. It is opened on Fri, Sat & Sun

(12‐16pm)in Spring(Apr, May & Jun) and Autumn(Sep, Oct & Nov).


If you go from Tokyo, it is convenient to go by bus(KANTO Yakimono

Liner) leaving AKIHABARA(8:20am) and arriving at MASHIKO Ceramic

Messe and it takes about 10 minutes on foot. We recommend your

reservation. Please call to IBARAGI Koutsu 029-309-5381(9:00~18:00).


In Autumn, 2017, special exhibition is Ms ASADA Emiko. She made many

intersting works lke clouds and anti‐nuclear.


On Sun, 8 Oct(pm1―3:30), we will have a program for peace.

Unknown history and the present of KOREA

speech by Mr SEKIYA Kojin, Ms ISHKAWA Itsuko and Mr OBARA Hiroshi


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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CHORO-KAN is opened on Sat, 1 Apr, 2017 and welcome !

CHORO-KAN is opened on Sat, 1 Apr, 2017. After renewal open in

Apr 2015, two years passed. It is opened on Fri, Sat & Sun(12‐16pm)

in Spring(Apr, May & Jun) and Autumn(Sep, Oct & Nov).


If you go from Tokyo, it is convenient to go by bus(KANTO Yakimono

Liner) leaving AKIHABARA(8:20am) and arriving at MASHIKO Ceramic

Messe and it takes about 10 minutes on foot.


On the web site, English version is set up at the end of Mar, 2017.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

YOSHIOKA このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。


PS INMP 9th conference will be

held at Belfast, Northen Ireland on 10‐13 Apr. Ms YAMANE Kazuyo

(Ritsumeikan Univ) will report on Japan's museum for peace and will

introduce CHORO-KAN. And Newsletter#18 is released on Apr 4.

CHORO-KAN is introduced in INMP Newsletter#17 and Muse.

CHORO-KAN is introduced in INMP Newsletter#17


And Japansese Citizen's Network of Museum for Peace publishes

Muse(English) and in Muse No 34, Invitation to CHORO=KAN is published.

〒321-4217 栃木県芳賀郡益子町益子4117-3 TEL:0285-72-3899